For international flights, we recommend that you get to the Airport at least three (3) hours and for domestic flights at least two hours (2 hours) before the scheduled departure time.
Get your boarding pass for International flights latest by 60 minutes before the scheduled departure time and for domestic flights 45 minutes before the scheduled departure time as the check-in counters will be closed after that time for on-time departure.
According to the IATA regulations, the passengers are solely responsible for obtaining/providing the required passport, visa, and other pertinent information related to the country they will visit before travelling to any destination.
For each flight, passport and visas are checked at the check-in counters and at the pre-boarding points. The aim of such controls is to avoid passengers travelling with false, inadequate, and invalid documentation.
For domestic flights, the passengers are obligated to have their ID cards, driving licenses or passports with them for identification checks.